Providing Educational Opportunities
Portfolio: Photography Services
“If it is to be, it is up to me.” a quote on Richard Green Central Elementary School’s website, was put into action through a unique learning opportunity that empowered 3 successive 5th grade classes with a life changing opportunity to expand their worldview and belief in what is possible in life. “Green Central School: History Comes Alive” is a photo documentary story of 40 5th graders who experienced history first hand on a trip to Mount Rushmore. It was brought to life by the vision of two passionate teachers Ceola Lazo and Hila Dipman. The vision was furthered by the generosity of the community and a group of grassroots community members, and business owners, including myself who created “Fashioning a Dream” a Fashion Show Fundraiser that raised another $12,000 to allow a second class to go in 2009. A third class went in 2010. An exhibition was held in Mayor Rybak’s office and now is displayed in Richard Green Central Elementary School.