Renewal for Growth

Renewal for Growth

Buoyant, clear, confident, hopeful, at peace and absolutely certain all is well, this is a conducive state of being to growing businesses and dreams.  Ironically, in this space there is no need to grow anything because the present is so rich, priorities are so clear,  the growth just seems to happen on it’s own.  At the same time, after having recently experienced such an expansive state after a weekend retreat in nature with the nurturing support of a circle of women, it also provided inner fuel to intentionally take enthusiastic, clear action forward.  And, it reminded me of the absolute importance of building this into our lives.

IMG_1792 - Version 2To provide a specific example, as a business owner, I dedicate Monday’s to easing into my week and prioritizing catch up, follow up and setting up client, networking and referral partner appointments for the coming week or two.  On a Monday after a busy weekend, although I still ease into my day with exercise, prayer, meditation and readying myself for business productivity, at times I still struggle with an inner voice that questions how I can take “so much time” in the morning on a “work day”.  So, although I do settle into the quiet at the start of my day, I have observed that by the time I’m ready to launch my official “work day”, Sometimes I still have to redirect my thoughts.

IMG_1648Two Monday’s ago after a prior weekend of rest and renewal I was so joyful and clear. Not a question arose in my mind about how I start my Mondays.  I simply settled more deeply into a place of peace as I began my day in prayer and movement.  And, once I was ready to transition to “business”, my priorities effortlessly popped into my awareness in their own order versus what I thought they should be. The contacts I made were from such a place of enthusiasm and authenticity that I can already tell they were more effective.  Not only that, from such a clear state of being, I ended up following the spontaneous flow to prioritizing creative projects that were not on my list at all and trusting that this was a “Divine priority” leading me to something greater.

Apparently this point was meant to penetrate my awareness because the weekend before and weekend after, I had two clients who had done the same.  Looking back at the mirror of the shift I witnessed in them, “renewal for growth” is a real phenomenon to note.  After their peaceful retreat away, they both returned with an air of contentment, clarity, trust and enthusiastic commitment to accept where they were, be present and to continue forward with their business and life goals.  They were also both keenly aware of the difference that “getting away” had made for them and the importance of doing it again (and encouraging it for their loved ones.)

Not that this is necessarily new information, but it is a reminder that “what we already know to be true” is true. Rest and renewal are “essential nutrients” in our lives.   They also help “grow” and “fortify” our dreams and our relationships, with ourselves, our loved ones, our clients, our connection with life and the moments within life.  And, since, it may not be feasible for every weekend to be a retreat, how can we build these restful, present moments into our days and accept them as a necessary ingredient to our wellbeing and a “natural fertilizer’ for growing whatever we are growing in life.

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