
Dr. Oz Says DANCE

Dr. Oz Says DANCE

  New brain frontiers upon us, dancing is good not only for our body, our spirit, our mood.   It exercises our brain.  Straight from the mouths of babes, or was it Dr. Oz.  Yes, it was Dr. Oz.  Not that he is the authority on brains, however he has earned his stripes of passion, expertise and stepping out into his potential for the good of many. Thank you Dr. Oz. So,  to share what I learned; This morning during my 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise, on one of my non-running days (one of my healthy new habits that also includes weight lifting for a 1/2 hour or see a few times a week, also one because I am healing catching plantar faschitis before it fully kicks in), I watched the only t.v I see.  Interesting to me, and a reminder that there is some good content.  Also aligned with a growing passion to learn more about the brain, Dr. Oz captured my attention and helped passed the time quickly during my exercise. “Gloving up” the guests on the view to touch actual brains, Dr. Oz demonstrated on two brains the contrast between an Alzheimers brain which is hollow in the middle (a visual explanation why memory, one of the brain’s key functions is also missing) and a healthy brain which was solid all the way through. Providing a few pointers on why it’s best to have our brains solid rather than hollow or mushy inside and how to keep our brains healthy, Dr. Oz offered some nutritional tips including the importance of Omega’s, nuts,  blueberries, broccoli.   To... read more

Night Shift

Yeah. shocking transition to this title huh?  So too is the Night Shift shocking, however boy was it unexpectedly filled with insights and ahas to such a degree that it was definately worth it.  And…it confirmed that it was all in right order.  So, what the heck am I talking about? Well, last week, the final week of a consulting project that I have been working on full-time since October included 3 overnight shifts.  It is less important what the project was, then the insights.  However, to provide some context, it was at a hospital who was going live on electronic medical record and needed on-site support to hold hands for providers, nurses and pharmacists as they were implementing the new system, a skill set I learned many years ago as part of larger skill set that also included needs assessment, developing and delivering a variety of training for healthcare organizations.    In any case, my shift was 11 pm – 7 am, and I am neither a late night person nor a morning person, and having learned the delicate balance my body requires, it does not respond well to big shocks, nor did it. So…to begin at the beginning of the week, I was both trusting and apprehensive, and like we do when we just have to do what we have to do, I showed up and just did what I had to do.  I made my way through Day 1 and Day 2 and just as I was starting to get the hang of living at night, was told they didn’t need me so resumed getting my body... read more
Some Tips For Feeling Better

Some Tips For Feeling Better

I commence with a parallel drawn from nature that all living creatures, plants etc… have both common and individual needs to flourish.  Each animal in the “kingdom” needs to eat, drink, sleep, procreate, co-create, in an environment that fits for them.  However, exactly what they eat, what they do in their daily life and where/how they do it is unique. Likewise with our sisters and brothers in the plant kingdom, when you take a moment to notice, isn’t it true that although all plants, trees and greeneries need some combination of water, soil, sunlight/shade as a common ground isn’t is also true that for each one to flourish they all need a different combination in order to do so? So,….if we are a part of the same Creation, and we are, does’nt it make sense that we too would have some common and unique needs to be our best?   Taking a look first at a few of our common needs, which we have probably all heard, but not necessarily fully learned or implemented into our lives; 1) our physical selves we need safety / security / shelter, a simultaneous complex and simple web of foods and water to nourish the universe of cells in our bodies with the specific biochemistry that most of us do not get, exercise and sleep 2) sense of belongingness, connectedness and community 3) purpose.   This does not complete the list, however for the purposes of this blog post, I’m starting with a few examples.  So, if as humans we know that we have these diverse needs, being really honest with yourself, have you arrived... read more

Feeling Good Along the Way

Believe you me, this has been a journey in patience, determination and consciousness for me to find the pathway to feeling good as a general state of being.  And….now that I am feeling good as a more regular state of being, the intellectual knowledge that feeling good on the inside leads to a better life on the outside is becoming reality.  Wow….what an interconnected set of factors that I’ve woven through to “really get” this truth of the Universe. So, rewinding a bit, you may or may not have been following Law of Attraction, Greg Braden’s blending of science and spirituality, Mike Dooley’s Notes from the Universe or any of the other host of New Frontier thinkers that have been saying that our thoughts create our reality so it behooves us to be aware of what we are thinking.  But even further, even though common sense, they are also saying it is in our best interest to learn how to feel good, not just because that creates a better quality of life, but because it is the magnetic field of our feelings that communicate to the energy field of the Universe that we are all connected to and deliver precisely what our thoughts/feelings are vibrating out.    You may or may not believe this, which is perfect.  However, I invite you to hold the possibility that it might be true and become your own experiment as I have done. I believe at heart we all want to feel good, however I think there are many factors that influence our daily experience of life, which keep us from feeling our best. ... read more

Taking The Next Step

Okay so you’ve taken your first step(s), in the midst of continuing to live daily life which remains center point and can offer challenges to squeeze in our dream steps.  Yet, somehow you’ve fit in incremental daily or weekly steps towards the calling that is in your heart and now you find yourself having progressed.  (Although, it wouldn’t surprise me if you have thoughts that tell you otherwise, and guess what, you don’t have to listen to them.)   Perhaps it is monumental progress, perhaps it has simply been a baby step. For me, as I write this second blog post, I look back at the last 4 months and take note of being at a different place both inwardly and outwardly.  Knowing that we all have different self-voices, I am happy to say the loudest voice for me is one of acceptance and celebration that with all that was in my life these past four months, (actually last couple of years) my website/blog is nearly ready to be launched.  Whether it could have happened sooner or now is exactly the perfect time, the reality is that now is when it is happening.  So, whatever your dream, wherever you are, do keep taking steps forward as you are self-nudged to do so, stop when you stop, continue when you continue, and keep going forward.    Note the thoughts that are present as you are at whatever point along your journey forward, and decide which ones you want to listen to. Side by side with you as I continue to take my baby and grand steps forward, I celebrate where “we” are... read more

The Beginning

Have you ever had an internal nudge that  starts as a whisper, and when left ignored becomes a shout, a scream, and at some point a haunting if left ignored for too long?  I have a feeling this is true for many people, as well as it is true that many people have also listened to that nudge at varying points on the above continuum and experienced the reward of bringing a vision into form, even when it  seemed overwhelming or unclear about just what needed to be done in order for it to happen. Welcome to the Beginning of my blog.  Although it is true that my initial inspiration was long ago and there are many reasons that I didn’t begin before today.  I celebrate with you this beginning and  invite you to take a baby step forward on whatever is calling to you with proof of my example that it is possible to do whatever you may be hesitant to do for whatever reason and that when you take a step no matter when that step is taken, that step will inform the next step, and the next, as I’m finding as I take my step by steps. My vision for this blog is twofold 1) to post inspirational visual and written stories about “awakening health & human potential”.  This may be in the form of stories about  the work of Non Profits, Social Entrepreneurs, Healing / Transformation based businesses elevating the lives of people or everyday inspirational stories about people that I come across in my daily life to bring attention to how humanity is progressing... read more

About Dawn Vogel

Dawn Vogel is founder of Luminous Concepts Productions. She is passionate about elevating health and human potential, advancing consciousness in practical ways and bettering our world. Working with people in practices, businesses or causes who are elevating people, her vision is to strengthen individuals and groups of individuals to strengthen those they serve through Luminous Concepts Productions. She creates photography & video stories that inspire, promote, educate and help people better reach their people.