Category:Luminous Concepts Stories

Being a Conscious Co-Creator of Our Lives

At some level, we all know that the choices we have made in the past have created the life we are living today, and that the choices we make today are paving the future we will live.  But, how many of us are really taking this to heart that we do indeed have the power to create the present and the future we desire, (whether in our personal life, career or business) no matter where we are in this moment and no matter what obstacles we may face.    What if… in addition to our committed action steps and goals, there were a path of more ease that would place us at the right place, at the right time with the right people or just the right “something” to move us forward.  What if…. there really is a Greater Power that when we invite it into our intentions and goal setting for our lives or our businesses that it helps to create something even better than what we ourselves could have imagined.  And, what if…’s okay if it’s our own personalized journey to get there.  Well, I’m experiencing that this is true, and, I believe it is true for everyone.  I also believe that in addition to the requirements of focusing a holistic lens upon ourselves to do what is necessary in our daily physical, mental, emotional and spiritual choices to create a state of trust, receptivity and flow, it is essential to have others to support our progress.   One of those recent “somebodies’ for me is Michele Brookhaus, RSHom (NA), CCH who has been practicing energetic medicine for over...

End of Life University

Following a string of serendipities about expanding consciousness around “End of Life”, a friend I haven’t seen for several years, innocently referred me to End of Life University, which led me to the Conscious Dying Institute, Midwifing Death, and so on and so forth, adding to the serendipitous encounters around End of Life.  (which I’ll soon explain) And…since one of my recent posts was about the importance of expanding consciousness around the beginning of life (“Life Imitates Birth“), which is also what spurred some of my attraction towards “End of Life”, I saw it only fitting to share. So to begin, let me first introduce “End of Life University”, and why that is important to me. “End of Life University” which I’ve learned this week was founded by Dr. Karen Wyatt, MD, to provide tools for peace of mind at the end of life. Dr. Karen Wyatt is a family physician who has spent her 25 year medical career working with patients in challenging settings, such as hospices, nursing homes and indigent clinics.   Also, author of “What Really Matters-7 Lessons for Living from Stories of the Dying“, Dr. Wyatt has dedicated her career to serving others in need and integrating spirituality into traditional medical practice. “End of Life University” is actually an interview series founded & facilitated by Dr. Karen Wyatt on topics such as “Death Makes Life Possible-Transforming the End of Life” by Marilyn Schlitz PHD: “It’s never too late for your dreams” with Jerry Bloom, Founder of Wish of a Lifetime;  “7 Ingredients for a Satisfying Retirement” Cathy Severson, MS and one of...
Life Imitates Birth

Life Imitates Birth

What if the answer to some of our world’s unrest and our individual challenges in life are held in a growing body of knowledge and research on prenatal & birth psychology that “our lives imitate our births”.  Doesn’t it make sense that when a soul comes into this world, it’s first memories and patterns (either beneficial or detrimental) would be impacted by it’s first experiences of coming into this physical world? Depending upon the actual point when the soul comes in, couldn’t that mean it’s first memories that create unconscious patterns later in life could feasibly include conception, time in the womb and the point of birth? So what was happening during these very early stages of life, was it peaceful, loving, welcoming and accepting with the innate wisdom of the mother and child working together to be born anew together as “mother and child” with all of the innately wired birth hormones; mother and child both expressing their own power and innate responses to make their way through their “parallel” birth canal?   & what about fathers, where and how were they involved?  Or was it accompanied by trauma during it’s entry, stress at the point of conception, during it’s time in the womb, & numbed, drugged, absorbing fear and pain, or birthed in such a way as not to develop certain necessary brain and body patterns, because these faculties were not engaged during the birthing process? What are these unconscious patterns and how do they impact your life? And, once we discover what they are for us, what if there is a way to re-pattern ourselves and...
Rich Week Poor Week

Rich Week Poor Week

40 Things.  What if you were told one day that you could only have 40 things in your day-to-day life for a week?  What would you choose: clothes, socks, underwear, pot, plate, keys, car, TV, computer, lipstick, purse, bucket?  Only one trash can?  (Would that mean extra steps every time you needed to throw something away? Would that matter?)  How would you choose?  What would be the purpose of limiting yourself to these items?  Is it possible that doing such an outrageous activity could enrich your life somehow, rather than restrict it? Well, meet Michelle, Anna and Lindsay, three young Twin Cities women who did just that. One week of 40 items, aka Poor Week and one week of “sky’s the limit,” termed Rich Week (for simplification purposes only, as in fact the name didn’t sit quite right.) And, ironically as both a paradox and an aha, challenging and rewarding, they found “rich and poor in both weeks.” So, let’s look at a few specifics and greatest take aways that may also serve as an inspiration for you to create your own personal growth adventure. Specific number one about Poor Week: 1) Examples of forsaken items on their individual lists of 40 items included no music, no TV, no computer (except for work), no jewelry, no perfume, no items of attachment, no texting, and unintentionally no cleaning because no one put broom on their list.   2) Examples of what was on their lists were: one pair of socks, one outfit, one book, a bowl, a pan, a pen  (what would be more important, a microwave or a pen?), a...