Conscious Business / Marketing, Consciousness |
Sometimes all it takes is a simple shift in perception to change reality. A move, an ending, a beginning, a change can also do what’s needed to shake up our world and create an incremental or quantum shift in our lives, or businesses. (for those who are business owners) For me, a recent move across the street has dramatically transformed my world and in some ways ironically remained the same. So, to do my best to make it relevant for you, I’ll start by rewinding briefly back in time. First of all, after living in transition in different forms for the past several years after breaking both my arms and losing my home and my credit in the “Big Short,” most recently, I was incrementally rebuilding my life and business from a one bedroom apartment in Saint Paul – a great apartment with a lot of light and a great view. However, my office was in my bedroom and my studio was in my living room, which I made work. It also made financial sense since I was living without debt or credit. But, as I, and my business grew, I was beginning to outgrow it. Even though my pocket book said no, on paper it made no sense, my heart, my soul and my business mind began to dream and imagine a more conducive space to photograph and work with clients, create videos, entertain and host community gatherings and film screenings, have a plot of grass to sit outside, cook in a modern kitchen, luxuriate in a shower that offered more than a trickle, have closer access to...
Conscious Business / Marketing, Consciousness |
“A leap of faith, in its most commonly used meaning, is the act of believing in or accepting something intangible or unprovable,or without empirical evidence. “Wikipedia Many people must take leaps of faith or there wouldn’t be a definition found with aught but a click of the mouse on google. For me, leaps of faith are much in part how I’ve lived my life, grown myself and how I’m growing my business. Some of them I’ve chosen. Some have chosen me. Most have brought me initially seemingly backwards. Over time even if through the fire, always forwards. Some have reached their new ground quickly. Others, not necessarily through any fault of their own have taken a REALLY long time. Over the years of my life, I’ve taken blind ones, naïve ones, calculated ones, strategically planned ones, some “I didn’t even know I was taking” ones and some “completely surrender into the fire” ones. Knowing we are all “wired differently” have different personalities, beliefs, values, cultures and ways of being in our lives (& businesses), they may not be for everyone. And, I offer the option that they are. Regardless of which version you choose (or which chooses you), from my experience, leaps of faith inherently hold the seeds for healing, transformation and growth upward. Whether leaving something without something else in place – the job, the place, the spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend, following your heart (for the first time or…even more), launching something new, investing your retirement dollars (before retirement) to pursue your dreams or go back to school, taking the next step of business growth or to learn a...
Conscious Business / Marketing, Mind/Body/Spirit |
Buoyant, clear, confident, hopeful, at peace and absolutely certain all is well, this is a conducive state of being to growing businesses and dreams. Ironically, in this space there is no need to grow anything because the present is so rich, priorities are so clear, the growth just seems to happen on it’s own. At the same time, after having recently experienced such an expansive state after a weekend retreat in nature with the nurturing support of a circle of women, it also provided inner fuel to intentionally take enthusiastic, clear action forward. And, it reminded me of the absolute importance of building this into our lives. To provide a specific example, as a business owner, I dedicate Monday’s to easing into my week and prioritizing catch up, follow up and setting up client, networking and referral partner appointments for the coming week or two. On a Monday after a busy weekend, although I still ease into my day with exercise, prayer, meditation and readying myself for business productivity, at times I still struggle with an inner voice that questions how I can take “so much time” in the morning on a “work day”. So, although I do settle into the quiet at the start of my day, I have observed that by the time I’m ready to launch my official “work day”, Sometimes I still have to redirect my thoughts. Two Monday’s ago after a prior weekend of rest and renewal I was so joyful and clear. Not a question arose in my mind about how I start my Mondays. I simply settled more deeply into a place...
Conscious Business / Marketing, Consciousness |
“If we are too busy pushing, we miss being pulled into something greater” Anita Moorjani, Near Death Survivor Now that we are entering an age of conscious creating with the Universe or whatever greater force we believe in,what role does goal setting play? How does it remain the same as it has always been; S-Specific, M-Measurable, A-Achievable, R-Realistic, T-Timely? And, how has it evolved with the awakening of this time? A goal setter of sorts myself for many years, this is a question that I’m currently living. It is also a question that I offer to others who are moving towards their own next stages of growth, dream building or specific project completion. On the one hand, it is important to be awake to what our dreams are and what we would like to create in our lives and businesses and for those we may serve. And, I find it helpful to draft this into a plan. On the other hand, I’m experiencing that the more I let go of the lid of what my own mind can imagine, it seems a higher intelligence swoops in and presents a doorway beyond what my mind can conceive. So, I’m beginning to think this is a dance. A dance of sorts between visioning, imagining, planning and setting dates to these plans and letting go. Letting go, surrendering, allowing, praying for a higher Divine order to create something even greater for us and through us, and to keep moving in the moment to moment direction that is pulling us forward by how it feels in our heart to take action towards it....
Conscious Business / Marketing, Consciousness |
Yes, it is Valentine’s Day and many people are writing about love or incorporating love into their communications somehow, and I too feel inspired to focus on love. My own exploration of love is less about romance however and more about it’s useful role in business. As a business owner with spiritual lens through which I live my life and operate my business, I have experienced a direct correlation between love and “business momentum.” As I’ve deepened my love for 1) myself and become more courageous to express who I authentically am in my life and business, I am finding that “the world (and their pocketbooks) are rising up to love me in return.” I am also finding that I am more confident in picking up the phone to make that call to follow an inner or outer sign towards those possibilities that “feel” really resonant for me. I’m also finding that the closer they are in tune with this “true me” that I’m loving and expressing versus concealing in fear, hesitation or otherwise, that they are leading me to “right people,” right place,” “ right time” and “just right amount of money” to have “exactly” what I need. 2) my friends, both “sisters” and “brothers” from a different mother, those with shared history and new ones that are deeply resonant in ways without words, I am finding a new level of affirmation and support for who I am, what I am becoming and how I am expressing this is in my life and business. This in turn is deepening my knowing and faith to trust the new business...
Conscious Business / Marketing, Practical Inspiration |
National Geographic January 2015 issue is exploring old and new scientific wonders of the Universe, such as the origins of life, and the existence of new worlds, moons, and planets around other stars. The foreward hints at plans for humans to travel beyond the moon to Mars and learn from the “golden tail of an ancient comets” to discover the building blocks of the Universe. The reputable magazine further lays out facts about how our Universe is expanding. And it acknowledges a host of unsolved mysteries, all of which are scientifically focused at a macro level, none of which include the impact of the Universe on the patterns on human life, which for now is reserved for Astrologers to study, which they have been doing for centuries. As-trol-o-gy itself is defined by Merriam Webster Dictionary as: the study of how the positions of the stars and movements of the planets have a supposed influence on events and on the lives and behavior of people. It is also referred to as “divination. Regardless of Astrology’s current definition, or whether or not it is recognized by modern day science as a valid field of study, until science and spirituality, including the study of Astrology are recognized as pathways to the same truth, they may remain separate and misunderstood by the majority of the population. This does not however negate the truth of any of these. It does however, inspire me to further explore how these new and ancient discoveries of the Universe impact us as “micro beings” within this larger “macro Universe”. Like a fetus in the womb impacted without question...