Category:Well being

Penultimate Day of Fasting

“…prayer and fasting is the cause of awakening and mindfulness and conducive to protection and preservation from tests.” Abdu’l-Baha “Fasting is the cause of awakening man. The heart becomes tender and the spirituality of man increases.” I have been fasting for 17 days (18 including today) now between sunrise and sunset, and with 19 days as the target, I have 1 day to go. As a Baha’i’, since 2004, this is my 9th fasting cycle. “As has been the case with other revealed religions, the Bahá’í Faith sees great value in the practice of fasting as a discipline for the soul. Bahá’u’lláh , the founder of the Baha’i’ faith designated a nineteen-day period each year when adult Bahá’ís fast from sunrise to sunset each day. This period coincides with the Bahá’í month of Ala (meaning Loftiness), from March 2 to 20, inclusive. This is the month immediately preceding the Bahá’í new year, which occurs the day of the vernal equinox; and the period of fasting is therefore viewed as a time of spiritual preparation and regeneration for a new year’s activities.” “The fasting period involves complete abstention from food and drink from sunrise till sunset. It is essentially a period of meditation and prayer, of spiritual recuperation, during which the believer must strive to make the necessary readjustments in his inner life, and to refresh and reinvigorate the spiritual forces latent in his soul. Its significance and purpose are, therefore, fundamentally spiritual in character. “ In my own experience, I would have to agree that the fast becomes a period of meditation and prayer, and that it allows me...

What are YOU thinking?

Looking around with an attentive eye it is easy to see the power of the mind in action.  Whether reflecting upon the broader role of the mind in creating a skyscraper, roadway or bridge; leading innovations in technology, science, business, education or the arts; or the role it plays in our daily lives to help us learn, make decisions, interact and navigate life, it is clear that the human mind is powerful. Upon waking to greet each day, our minds lead us (often without thinking) through our morning routine, get us to work, and in most cases become the focus of our work. Our interactions with ourselves, and others are often centered in the mind.  Our workplaces buzz with the mind and although, we also have a heart, a body and a spirit through which we can perceive the moments of our lives, the mind is commonly the primary “radio channel” to which we attune. (Sometimes playing a song we like, often not.) Everyone’s mind’s sends thoughts endlessly into our awareness.    As you know, these thoughts can be very useful, are necessary and can accomplish great things, however left un-attended, they can also rob the quality from our lives.  They also link directly to the emotions we then feel and vice versa, which can create positive emotion with positive thoughts and negative emotion with negative thoughts.  (again visa versa) One step further, as mind/body/spirit beings, they can also impact our body in a positive or negative way depending upon the thoughts we are thinking and feelings we are feeling.   (For example, I can always tell when I’m thinking or...

Waking Up Through Sound

Sound is vibrational in nature, as is light.  In fact, it is said that the entire physical universe is made up of pure energy and vibration and that we too as humans are vibrational beings. “The Hindus have a saying, “Nada Brahma”, which means, all is sound, or all of creation is sound.  They suggest that the primordial sound of manifest creation is the sound of “Aum”, or Om, and that if we were to attune to the creative spirit, we would hear this sound.  The Judeo-Christian culture might say, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God (John 1:1),” thus also tieing together the nature and power of sound with Creation.” Zacciah Blackburn, World Sound Healing Organization Resting upon these scientific and spiritual foundations, sound healing is both an ancient and emerging practice that not only can produce deep relaxation but also can be a catalyst for physical, mental, emotional and spiritual healing. It is also a portal to deepened consciousness. Regardless of your spiritual beliefs, with our own experience as our guide, we have all experienced the healing of sound, from the chirping of birds, an ocean surf, a song we love, our own voice or the loving words spoken from another. At the same time, science does show that sound stimulates the brain into different brainwave states and that it has a strong impact on substance.  “For example, the study of Cymatics has shown how sound creates geometric patterns in matter. Dr. Emoto has proven that sound changes the molecular structure of water.” Sound & Consciousness Institute  ...
Crowding Out

Crowding Out

On a scale of 1-10, I rate the “diet/nutrition” part of my health choices at a 7.  However, depending upon to whom I compare myself, I may rank higher or lower.  And….because, I’m continually moving towards learning from others (be it through contrast or sameness), but comparing myself to myself, I stick with 7, in process to moving to 8, where I will then reevaluate and determine my next move. Incrementally, which works better for me, I am adding more servings of vegetables to my daily diet, keeping carbs to a minimum, eating gluten only for worthy exceptions and doing my best to add fruit, which interestingly I like, but have a heck of a time eating consistently.  So, welcome to my new breakfast habit in motion. Having set a goal to lose 10 pounds at a slow and steady pace over the next 12 weeks, but more so to have more living foods in my diet, my new TLS Slim site, where I am both learning about health, finding recipes, journaling and tracking my daily food, water, & exercise, advised me to eat 5-6 cups of vegetables, 2 servings of fruit, minimum 8 glasses of water, 3-4 oz protein per meal and 3-4 tablespoons of good fat to achieve my goals. What I’ve discovered as I’ve been incorporating this incremental health improvement into my life is 1) when I stick to it, I noticeably feel a notch better.  2) when I allow myself to keep moving towards it without self-judgment and acknowledging my progress, I feel my commitment growing -because rather than condemnation for missed action steps, I...


Being a “butterfly” in flight provides a different view than experiencing life from within the walls of a cocoon or as a catapillar that is denying its natural urge to weave a transformational casing around itself to later develop it’s muscles to chew it’s way through and fly.  And, having recently emerged from my own cocoon, after following an undeniable prompting to climb inside, I’m enjoying the view and keenly observing the importance of each of these stages. From within my cocoon, I stepped off the train of what my life had been and through a series of challenges including health, finances, career, home, self, relationships and family, I took an honest look at myself, observed the patterns of my life, found my strengths and owned them, took some risks to speak my truth, learned to believe in me, reclaimed my passions, and furthered my courage, (already a virtue I possessed) to become who I am more authentically in the world.  Along the way, I was blessed with some incredible human beings to love and be loved by, a deeply rooted faith and a profound knowing that I was meant to become who I am. And…I’m not saying any of this was easy, nor am I saying that one’s whole life must crumble in order for it to be rebuilt in a more true way.  I am saying however that we have a choice, and I believe we all have a “GPS system” that comes from a place Beyond ourselves that urges us forward from where ever we are.  And, from whatever choices we make, it will always “recalculate.”...
Dr. Oz Says DANCE

Dr. Oz Says DANCE

  New brain frontiers upon us, dancing is good not only for our body, our spirit, our mood.   It exercises our brain.  Straight from the mouths of babes, or was it Dr. Oz.  Yes, it was Dr. Oz.  Not that he is the authority on brains, however he has earned his stripes of passion, expertise and stepping out into his potential for the good of many. Thank you Dr. Oz. So,  to share what I learned; This morning during my 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise, on one of my non-running days (one of my healthy new habits that also includes weight lifting for a 1/2 hour or see a few times a week, also one because I am healing catching plantar faschitis before it fully kicks in), I watched the only t.v I see.  Interesting to me, and a reminder that there is some good content.  Also aligned with a growing passion to learn more about the brain, Dr. Oz captured my attention and helped passed the time quickly during my exercise. “Gloving up” the guests on the view to touch actual brains, Dr. Oz demonstrated on two brains the contrast between an Alzheimers brain which is hollow in the middle (a visual explanation why memory, one of the brain’s key functions is also missing) and a healthy brain which was solid all the way through. Providing a few pointers on why it’s best to have our brains solid rather than hollow or mushy inside and how to keep our brains healthy, Dr. Oz offered some nutritional tips including the importance of Omega’s, nuts,  blueberries, broccoli.   To...