End of Life University

Following a string of serendipities about expanding consciousness around “End of Life”, a friend I haven’t seen for several years, innocently referred me to End of Life University, www.eoluniversity.com which led me to the Conscious Dying Institute www.tarronestesandassociates.com, Midwifing Death, www.AslanInst.com and so on and so forth, adding to the serendipitous encounters around End of Life.  (which I’ll soon explain)

And…since one of my recent posts was about the importance of expanding consciousness around the beginning of life (“Life Imitates Birth“), which is also what spurred some of my attraction towards “End of Life”, I saw it only fitting to share. So to begin, let me first introduce “End of Life University”, and why that is important to me.

End of Life University” which I’ve learned this week was founded by Dr. Karen Wyatt, MD, to provide tools for peace of mind at the end of life. Dr. Karen Wyatt is a family physician who has spent her 25 year medical career working with patients in challenging settings, such as hospices, nursing homes and indigent clinics.   Also, author of “What Really Matters-7 Lessons for Living from Stories of the Dying“, Dr. Wyatt has dedicated her career to serving others in need and integrating spirituality into traditional medical practice.

“End of Life University” is actually an interview series founded & facilitated by Dr. Karen Wyatt on topics such as “Death Makes Life Possible-Transforming the End of Life” by Marilyn Schlitz PHD: “It’s never too late for your dreams” with Jerry Bloom, Founder of Wish of a Lifetime;  “7 Ingredients for a Satisfying Retirement” Cathy Severson, MS and one of my favorites, “Start with the End in Mind, Conscious Dying” with Tarron Estes. Further topics range from pragmatic conversations about living a quality life as we age, and making necessary preparations for our death to spiritual reflections about facilitating healing and transformation through dying.

Why is this important?  Well as we all know, we are all going to age and die.  And, even though it is more commonly a difficult reality to face or talk about, it is a path we will all tread, each in our own time and our own way.  Doesn’t it make sense then to focus our human capacities on pre-paving that path with knowledge and tools to create a greater quality of life as we age, and a greater quality of transitioning from this life to the next stage of our existence? What if it’s possible to restore “birth” “life”  and “death” as different points on a continuum of the sacred circle of life, also mirrored in the proofs we see throughout all of Creation?

Why is this important to me?  A book would probably be more fitting for the number of thoughts I have on the subject, but  to simplify, it seems to me that in the mystery of the life we’ve been given, it makes sense to hold each moment from our conception to our death as sacred, and to apply our infinite human capacities that continue to astound ourselves technologically and otherwise, to also creating the highest quality existence and potential for each individual, family, community, society, and humanity as a whole. My faith is such that I also believe that this life is but one step on an even bigger continuum of our continued existence in non physical form and that by “birthing well”  “living well”, and “dying well”, which includes  physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of ourselves and others, and very specifically self-awareness, love, purpose, meaning, fulfilling our capacity , service and forgiveness, we not only have accomplished our mission in this life, we are better prepared for the Mystery of what’s next.  So…how do we do this?

Well, to start, thanks to all of you who are doing your own very best to live your own life well, at whatever point you are on the continuum, and in whatever way you are facilitating that for others.  And…thanks to those of you who are focused on this final frontier be it doctors, nurses, caregivers, healers, loved ones, and all those who contributing in a positive way to improve the quality of living and dying for those who are aging or living their final days.   Thanks to all the interviewees at End of Life University, and a special thanks to Dr. Karen Wyatt, for all that you have done, are doing and will continue to do as a doula for “living” and “dying” well.




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