Some Tips For Feeling Better

Some Tips For Feeling Better

I commence with a parallel drawn from nature that all living creatures, plants etc… have both common and individual needs to flourish.  Each animal in the “kingdom” needs to eat, drink, sleep, procreate, co-create, in an environment that fits for them.  However, exactly what they eat, what they do in their daily life and where/how they do it is unique.

Likewise with our sisters and brothers in the plant kingdom, when you take a moment to notice, isn’t it true that although all plants, trees and greeneries need some combination of water, soil, sunlight/shade as a common ground isn’t is also true that for each one to flourish they all need a different combination in order to do so?

So,….if we are a part of the same Creation, and we are, does’nt it make sense that we too would have some common and unique needs to be our best?   Taking a look first at a few of our common needs, which we have probably all heard, but not necessarily fully learned or implemented into our lives; 1) our physical selves we need safety / security / shelter, a simultaneous complex and simple web of foods and water to nourish the universe of cells in our bodies with the specific biochemistry that most of us do not get, exercise and sleep 2) sense of belongingness, connectedness and community 3) purpose.   This does not complete the list, however for the purposes of this blog post, I’m starting with a few examples.  So, if as humans we know that we have these diverse needs, being really honest with yourself, have you arrived at the optimal point of understanding and action to optimally nourish yourself in each of these areas?

For me, as I take each of these three examples to a deeper level by 1) learning and implementing some healthier diet and supplement choices into my daily life 2) getting a balance of cardiovascular, weightbearing, yoga, breathing, stretching, dance, & 8 hours sleep every night 3) growing the love and authenticity in my friendship circles, expanding my network and intentionally connecting with more people like and unlike myself 3) stepping more and more authentically forward to trust and express what is in my heart through meaningful work…..I’m just saying, all of this is adder richer and richer dimension to my life, lifting my spirit, energizing my body, mind, emotions and not only helping me to better enjoy my life but to also share my story to perhaps inspire others to do the same, to inspire others to do the same and so on and so on.

So, in closing for today since the above list even if only a partial list, is alot to chew and being a believer that it is in the baby steps that we begin.  Where do you choose to start?  What 1-3 steps are you inspired to take to learn and/or take action to take your life up a notch?  More consistent sleep, more vegetables, less sugar, more intentional connections with others , more self-awareness and self-expression? I invite you to take action if even only one step and remind you what you already know, that our lives were meant to be inspired, but it requires our awareness, intention and action.

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