Sound is vibrational in nature, as is light. In fact, it is said that the entire physical universe is made up of pure energy and vibration and that we too as humans are vibrational beings.
“The Hindus have a saying, “Nada Brahma”, which means, all is sound, or all of creation is sound. They suggest that the primordial sound of manifest creation is the sound of “Aum”, or Om, and that if we were to attune to the creative spirit, we would hear this sound. The Judeo-Christian culture might say, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God (John 1:1),” thus also tieing together the nature and power of sound with Creation.” Zacciah Blackburn, World Sound Healing Organization
Resting upon these scientific and spiritual foundations, sound healing is both an ancient and emerging practice that not only can produce deep relaxation but also can be a catalyst for physical, mental, emotional and spiritual healing. It is also a portal to deepened consciousness.
Regardless of your spiritual beliefs, with our own experience as our guide, we have all experienced the healing of sound, from the chirping of birds, an ocean surf, a song we love, our own voice or the loving words spoken from another.
At the same time, science does show that sound stimulates the brain into different brainwave states and that it has a strong impact on substance. “For example, the study of Cymatics has shown how sound creates geometric patterns in matter. Dr. Emoto has proven that sound changes the molecular structure of water.” Sound & Consciousness Institute Being that human body is 60% water and the human brain is 70% water, what if sound creates these geometric patterns in us and what if these geometric patterns ARE healing us?
It is known that accessing gamma, alpha, theta and delta brainwave states is healing and can help with ADD, ADHD, memory, mental acuity, creativity, sleep and higher states of consciousness. So, perhaps there is really something to this new, yet ancient frontier of Sound healing.
Imagine the power and benefits of surrendering into the blissful sounds of “guided” music, crystal “singing” bowls, shamanic drumming, temple bells or perhaps even your own voice chanting, each generating a wave of healing vibrations throughout your body. Imagine further combining this with intention in this meditative state to amplify the power of manifesting your heart’s desire, and that this might actually change your life. Perhaps you may even find yourself having a mystical experience as you consciously commune with the sound of vibration that is not only the sound of the Universe, it is the sound of You.
I am not a Sound Healer, however during 2012, I felt an inner shift of greater awareness of my self beyond my physical self. Part of how I experience this awareness is as a visual and auditory sense of both seeing and being kaleidoscopes of fantastic swirls of light and sound. So, after one of these such encounters with mySelf, and my friend Monica serendipitously sent me a link to Tom Hathor’s Aeothos Sound Healing meditation, followed in sequence with an introduction to other emerging Sound healing technologies, I was immediately drawn to it and have incorporated a sound healing meditation in my daily practice ever since, with growing tangible results in my overall sense of calm, joy, clarity and knowing about who I am, where I am and where I am going.
For those of you who are intrigued to learn more about Sound Healing or experiencing the Aeothos Sound Healing Meditation by Tom Hathor, see below link to his website.
For those who would like to experience it on a global scale, you may want to check out below link to participate in World Sound Healing Day on February 14, 2013.
Finally, stay tuned for further stories about sound and an upcoming profile of a local Sound Healer for another step into discovering the power and possibility of sound.